Visualizza Versione Completa : Storia di un parto lungo nove mesi (nonsolodealer)

07-07-2010, 10:29
Questa è la storia di un ordine di tre cagate (scusate il francesismo), che dura da nove mesi. Altro che Dealer....
E' raro, ma quando gli ammaregani si incagliano su qualcosa sembrano dei dischi rotti. Avete presente i robot con carica a molla che sbattono contro il muro e continuano a camminare comunque?
E pensare che questo è il customer service di uno dei più grandi grossisti di parti aftermarket negli USA.
Tutto inizia quando contatto Scott (F sono io, J il distributore)


Dear JPC,

i bought a 38 mm Quicksilver II pumper series carburetor for my 74 ci Sportster.
Now i need to tune it because i think i need a richer needle and main jet.
Is it possible to buy them directly from you?


We can get whatever size needle and main jets that are available through our stock. Main jets offered start at 64 and go to 88 in increments of 2. There are 2 needles offered, a 13-0 and a 15-0. What sizes do you want?


I have the stock 38mm carburetor needle, but i don't know the size of it. I would buy also a bigget main jet but i don't know the size as well..


Ok, i checked it. I have a 13-0 needle and a 0.74 main jet...


Sorry, 0.76 main jet.

So, i need the 15-0 needle, 0.78 main jets plus a couple of 0.20 and 0.30 air bleeds.


Air Bleeds are $ 10.99 each (remember, smaller the hole, richer the mixture) I'll have to get the PN's put in for the 2 sizes you want.
Mains are .76 PN 1006-0007 $ 6.99 each and .78 PN 1006-0008 $ 6.99 each
Needle is PN 289005 $ 16.99 each

Let me know and I'll get the Airbleeds added. Our website will not recognize these numbers, so to order you will need to phone, fax or mail the order in.


Hi Scott,

i confirm to you that i need the 15-0 needle, 0.78 main jets plus a couple of 0.20 and 0.30 air bleeds.
Do you do international shipping?


Yes, we ship internationally. I'll get the Air Bleeds added to my system.

------dopo due settimane, mi risponde quest'altro tipo, credo dopo aver ucciso Scott.....-------:happy4:


I am working on getting your order correct, with Scott out it has been a little hectic. It seems that order refferance # for this order has been misplaced in my computer some where, and rather than doing long searches, i was wondering if you ahd it so i could get this taken care of ASAP. Sorry for the inconvienience, i guess there is a first time for everything.

----passano nove mesi e risponde Melissa-------:smashfreakb:


since October i'm waiting for a answer about my order. Can you tell me if you have the parts i requested of?



Thank you for your inquiry. Do you have an order number? If you have any questions or need additional information, please don't hesitate to contact us.


Hi,i have no order numbers.
I asked about 15-0 needle, .78 and .80 main jets plus a couple of 0.20 and 0.30 air bleeds for a Edelbrock Quicksilver carburetor.



Thank you for your response. In order to check on your order I would need to access your account. Can you please provide me with your customer number, name, and address? I would then be happy to get an update for you



i i'm not you customer yet nor i have ordered anything by you so far, and maybe i'll never do if you continue to ask me the same things forever.
Please, i want only to know the availability of 15-0 needle, .78 and .80 main jets plus a couple of 0.20 and 0.30 air bleeds for a Edelbrock Quicksilver carburetor.

This is the 6th mail i send you only to know this. Can you tell me if you have these items or not, their price and the shipping cost to 70059 Italy?

Many Thanks

Traduzione: MA STATE RINCOJONITI?????:all_coholic:

07-07-2010, 10:37
vai da un orologiaio e fatti alesare il tuo :wink2:

07-07-2010, 10:46
Questa è la storia di un ordine di tre cagate (scusate il francesismo), che dura da nove mesi. Altro che Dealer....
E' raro, ma quando gli ammaregani si incagliano su qualcosa sembrano dei dischi rotti. Avete presente i robot con carica a molla che sbattono contro il muro e continuano a camminare comunque?
E pensare che questo è il customer service di uno dei più grandi grossisti di parti aftermarket negli USA.
Tutto inizia quando contatto Scott (F sono io, J il distributore)


Dear JPC,

i bought a 38 mm Quicksilver II pumper series carburetor for my 74 ci Sportster.
Now i need to tune it because i think i need a richer needle and main jet.
Is it possible to buy them directly from you?


We can get whatever size needle and main jets that are available through our stock. Main jets offered start at 64 and go to 88 in increments of 2. There are 2 needles offered, a 13-0 and a 15-0. What sizes do you want?


I have the stock 38mm carburetor needle, but i don't know the size of it. I would buy also a bigget main jet but i don't know the size as well..


Ok, i checked it. I have a 13-0 needle and a 0.74 main jet...


Sorry, 0.76 main jet.

So, i need the 15-0 needle, 0.78 main jets plus a couple of 0.20 and 0.30 air bleeds.


Air Bleeds are $ 10.99 each (remember, smaller the hole, richer the mixture) I'll have to get the PN's put in for the 2 sizes you want.
Mains are .76 PN 1006-0007 $ 6.99 each and .78 PN 1006-0008 $ 6.99 each
Needle is PN 289005 $ 16.99 each

Let me know and I'll get the Airbleeds added. Our website will not recognize these numbers, so to order you will need to phone, fax or mail the order in.


Hi Scott,

i confirm to you that i need the 15-0 needle, 0.78 main jets plus a couple of 0.20 and 0.30 air bleeds.
Do you do international shipping?


Yes, we ship internationally. I'll get the Air Bleeds added to my system.

------dopo due settimane, mi risponde quest'altro tipo, credo dopo aver ucciso Scott.....-------:happy4:


I am working on getting your order correct, with Scott out it has been a little hectic. It seems that order refferance # for this order has been misplaced in my computer some where, and rather than doing long searches, i was wondering if you ahd it so i could get this taken care of ASAP. Sorry for the inconvienience, i guess there is a first time for everything.

----passano nove mesi e risponde Melissa-------:smashfreakb:


since October i'm waiting for a answer about my order. Can you tell me if you have the parts i requested of?



Thank you for your inquiry. Do you have an order number? If you have any questions or need additional information, please don't hesitate to contact us.


Hi,i have no order numbers.
I asked about 15-0 needle, .78 and .80 main jets plus a couple of 0.20 and 0.30 air bleeds for a Edelbrock Quicksilver carburetor.



Thank you for your response. In order to check on your order I would need to access your account. Can you please provide me with your customer number, name, and address? I would then be happy to get an update for you



i i'm not you customer yet nor i have ordered anything by you so far, and maybe i'll never do if you continue to ask me the same things forever.
Please, i want only to know the availability of 15-0 needle, .78 and .80 main jets plus a couple of 0.20 and 0.30 air bleeds for a Edelbrock Quicksilver carburetor.

This is the 6th mail i send you only to know this. Can you tell me if you have these items or not, their price and the shipping cost to 70059 Italy?

Many Thanks

Traduzione: MA STATE RINCOJONITI?????:all_coholic:

io non ho capito una mazza, non ho studiato inglese traduci tutto altrimenti mi :all_coholic:

07-07-2010, 12:22
Hai pienamente ragione, mi pare.

07-07-2010, 12:25
Questa è la storia di un ordine di tre cagate (scusate il francesismo), che dura da nove mesi. Altro che Dealer....
E' raro, ma quando gli ammaregani si incagliano su qualcosa sembrano dei dischi rotti. Avete presente i robot con carica a molla che sbattono contro il muro e continuano a camminare comunque?
E pensare che questo è il customer service di uno dei più grandi grossisti di parti aftermarket negli USA.
Tutto inizia quando contatto Scott (F sono io, J il distributore)


Dear JPC,

i bought a 38 mm Quicksilver II pumper series carburetor for my 74 ci Sportster.
Now i need to tune it because i think i need a richer needle and main jet.
Is it possible to buy them directly from you?


We can get whatever size needle and main jets that are available through our stock. Main jets offered start at 64 and go to 88 in increments of 2. There are 2 needles offered, a 13-0 and a 15-0. What sizes do you want?


I have the stock 38mm carburetor needle, but i don't know the size of it. I would buy also a bigget main jet but i don't know the size as well..


Ok, i checked it. I have a 13-0 needle and a 0.74 main jet...


Sorry, 0.76 main jet.

So, i need the 15-0 needle, 0.78 main jets plus a couple of 0.20 and 0.30 air bleeds.


Air Bleeds are $ 10.99 each (remember, smaller the hole, richer the mixture) I'll have to get the PN's put in for the 2 sizes you want.
Mains are .76 PN 1006-0007 $ 6.99 each and .78 PN 1006-0008 $ 6.99 each
Needle is PN 289005 $ 16.99 each

Let me know and I'll get the Airbleeds added. Our website will not recognize these numbers, so to order you will need to phone, fax or mail the order in.


Hi Scott,

i confirm to you that i need the 15-0 needle, 0.78 main jets plus a couple of 0.20 and 0.30 air bleeds.
Do you do international shipping?


Yes, we ship internationally. I'll get the Air Bleeds added to my system.

------dopo due settimane, mi risponde quest'altro tipo, credo dopo aver ucciso Scott.....-------:happy4:


I am working on getting your order correct, with Scott out it has been a little hectic. It seems that order refferance # for this order has been misplaced in my computer some where, and rather than doing long searches, i was wondering if you ahd it so i could get this taken care of ASAP. Sorry for the inconvienience, i guess there is a first time for everything.

----passano nove mesi e risponde Melissa-------:smashfreakb:


since October i'm waiting for a answer about my order. Can you tell me if you have the parts i requested of?



Thank you for your inquiry. Do you have an order number? If you have any questions or need additional information, please don't hesitate to contact us.


Hi,i have no order numbers.
I asked about 15-0 needle, .78 and .80 main jets plus a couple of 0.20 and 0.30 air bleeds for a Edelbrock Quicksilver carburetor.



Thank you for your response. In order to check on your order I would need to access your account. Can you please provide me with your customer number, name, and address? I would then be happy to get an update for you



i i'm not you customer yet nor i have ordered anything by you so far, and maybe i'll never do if you continue to ask me the same things forever.
Please, i want only to know the availability of 15-0 needle, .78 and .80 main jets plus a couple of 0.20 and 0.30 air bleeds for a Edelbrock Quicksilver carburetor.

This is the 6th mail i send you only to know this. Can you tell me if you have these items or not, their price and the shipping cost to 70059 Italy?

Many Thanks

Traduzione: MA STATE RINCOJONITI?????:all_coholic:

ho copiato e incollato tutto nel traduttore..........mi ha risposto : this longveicle dont possible conversion italian language change written!!!!!che vor dì !!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mm: