Visualizza Versione Completa : OT: Chi mastica l'inglese?.........

09-05-2007, 13:13
Salve a tutti vi incollo di seguito una mail appena arrivata. Si tratta di una truffa? qualcuno ha notizie in merito?...ho provato a tradurre con i traduttori automatici ma non ci capisco una mazza....chi mi aiuta? a dimenticavo questa giÃ* è la quarta volta che mi arriva

Payment Confirmation:

I am Ambassador Adeniji Oluyemi , Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Nigeria;my office monitors and controls the affairs of all banks and
financial institutions in Nigeria concerned with foreign contract

I am the final signatory to any transfer or remittance of huge funds
moving within banks both on the local and international levels in
line to foreign contracts settlement.

I have before me list of funds, which could not be transferred to
some nominated accounts as these accounts have been identified
either as ghost accounts, unclaimed deposits and over-invoiced sum

Your name was among the people expecting the funds to be transferred
into their account, on this note; I wish to have a deal with you as
regards to your unpaid funds. I have your file before me and hope
your data's are correct and un-tampered unless u reconfirms it.

As it is my duty to recommend the transfer of these surplus funds
to the Federal Government Treasury and Reserve Accounts as unclaimed
deposits, I have the opportunity to write you based on the
instructions I received 2 days ago from the Senate Committee on
Contract Payments / Foreign Debts to submit the List of payment
reports/ expenditures and audited reports of revenues. Among several
others, I have decided to remit your contract sum following my idea
that we have a deal/agreement and I am going to do this legally.

1. The sum of USD$9.9Million only will be transfered into
your norminated account by telegraphic Transfer (T/T), confirmable in
3working days after you have confirmed the transfer of the
funds into your account,40% out of the whole sum will be for you,
10% for any expencies that may accure during the transaction while
50% will be for me.

2. This deal must be kept secret forever, and all correspondence
will be strictly by email / telephone, for security purposes.

3. There should be no third parties as most problem associated with
your fund release are caused by your agents or representative.

If you AGREE with my conditions, l advise you on what to do
immediately and the transfer will commence without delay as I
will proceed to fix your name on the Payment schedule instantly to
meet the three days mandate.

I hope you don't reject this offer and have your funds transferred.
Waiting for your reply soonest response.

Be in peace.


09-05-2007, 13:16
lette le prime 2 righe: TRUFFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/sad4.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/sad4.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/sad4.gif

09-05-2007, 13:18
vai tranquillo io ci arrotondo a fine mese.....


09-05-2007, 13:18
mi sa' che e' lo stesso
http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/beer.gif (http://freeforumzone.leonardo.it/viewmessaggi.aspx?f=2060&idd=73858)

09-05-2007, 13:23
Scritto da: GRANDEVEGETA 09/05/2007Â*14.18
mi sa' che e' lo stesso
http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/beer.gif (http://freeforumzone.leonardo.it/viewmessaggi.aspx?f=2060&idd=73858)

In effetti il messaggio è simile ma la truffa è la stessa Grazie http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/beer.gif

P. S. Però io sono privilegiato sono stato contattato direttamente dal "Ministro" http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/happy4.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/vhappy1.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/happy5.gif

09-05-2007, 13:25
Scritto da: KOKO77 09/05/2007 14.23

In effetti il messaggio è simile ma la truffa è la stessa Grazie http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/beer.gif

P. S. Però io sono privilegiato sono stato contattato direttamente dal "Ministro" http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/happy4.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/vhappy1.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/happy5.gif

si che e' anche il proprietario della banca... http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/vhappy1.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/vhappy1.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/vhappy1.gif

09-05-2007, 13:28
Roba da striscia la notizia http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/vhappy5.gif

09-05-2007, 13:59
Fatevi un giro sul sito che ha segnalato London http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/happy5.gif (http://www.419eater.com/index.htm)..ci sono decine e decine di casi come questo...e c'è da schiantarsi dal ridere!! (sempre che uno sappia l'inglese) http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/happy5.gif

09-05-2007, 14:16
La gente non sa piu cosa inventersi, certo che bisogna avere parecchia fantasia per crederci... http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/claudyo2.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/claudyo2.gif

09-05-2007, 14:59