Visualizza Versione Completa : a proposito del video commerciale HD ...

19-09-2006, 07:41
qualcuno oltre oceano dice ...

>> Check out this short film on Harley-Davidson's http://www.livingbyit.com.www.livingbyit.com.
>> (high bandwidth helpful)
> I believe in tappets that last forever.
> I believe in rockers that don't rattle.
> I believe in engines that don't run too hot.
> I believe in 6 speeds that won't let the fifth one rattle.
> I believe in chain tensioners that last more than 20,000 miles.
> I believe they should invest more in quality build motorcycles.
> I believe that they should do something about it fast.
> I believe if they don't, they will loose longtime customers.
> I believe they're very close to their AMF period right now.
> I believe that this is another false sentiment to sell more bikes to
> wannabees.
> I believe they're full of shit.

I believe HD paid too much money for a film that makes them look like

I believe I'd much rather kick start my 36 year old Triumph than "thumb
start" a Harley.

I believe HD would be better off investing in cures for known problems
rather than promoting a "lifestyle" they're clueless about.

I believe HD doesn't have the balls to print my "creed" on their web site.

19-09-2006, 07:46
I believe they're very close to their AMF period right now.

questo purtroppo non è vero, gli ci vorrebbe un pò di fame però.


19-09-2006, 08:06
Scritto da: joker1450 19/09/2006 8.46
I believe they're very close to their AMF period right now.

questo purtroppo non è vero, gli ci vorrebbe un pò di fame però.


Dipende Ale. se parliamo di numeri, di vendita, cassa e bilanci, non è vero.
se parliamo di qualitÃ* e della consapevolezza con cui vengono disnivoltamente commercializzati prodotti di cui sono giÃ* noti i difetti, allora non è poi così falso.

Ah, un abbraccio Michele.


19-09-2006, 08:09
Nic, io parlavo degli introiti http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/wink3.gif


19-09-2006, 08:23
Scritto da: joker1450 19/09/2006 9.09
Nic, io parlavo degli introiti http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/wink3.gif


Non avevo capito bene io allora. se è così, hai perfettamente ragione.


19-09-2006, 08:25

19-09-2006, 08:34
Ciao Numino!
Metto anche la controparte ..

> > Check out this short film on Harley-Davidson's http://www.livingbyit.com.www.livingbyit.com.
> > (high bandwidth helpful)
> I believe in tappets that last forever.

*My experience is that Harley tappets are better than most. Nothing last

> I believe in rockers that don't rattle.

*I believe that if rockers rock they're going to make some noise, nature
of the beast and all that.

> I believe in engines that don't run too hot.

*Air cooled engines run hot, I believe it's just too fucking stupid to
think otherwise.

> I believe in 6 speeds that won't let the fifth one rattle.

*Fifth gear is a spur gear and spur gears are noisy by their design.
Maybe it's a mistake to have made the other gears helical then no one
would be bitchin'.

> I believe in chain tensioners that last more than 20,000 miles.

*I now believe the chain tensioners are a maintenance item. It would
have been nice to have known this in '01 when I bought my first TC but
it certainly didn't stop me from buying another and I've seen them with
50K on 'em and still looking good.

> I believe they should invest more in quality build motorcycles.

*Saying a Harley in not a quality built motorcycle is just fucking
stupid. They've sold as many as 300K in a year. That many people can't
be wrong. In two year I've had one problem with mine and the warranty
fixed it so it wasn't a problem after all.

> I believe that they should do something about it fast.

About what, your brain tumor?

> I believe if they don't, they will loose longtime customers.

That's the way it works in business, you can't please everyone.

> I believe they're very close to their AMF period right now.

That is quite possibly the dumbest goddamn thing I've seen written in
any news group anywhere, ever.

> I believe that this is another false sentiment to sell more bikes to
> wannabees.
> I believe they're full of shit.
> --
> TK®

Amen brother, they aren't the only ones. There's good new. You don't
have to buy a Harley. You can fuckin' walk, take a bus, ride a moped,
scoot down the street on your face. Whatever you want to do. Buying a
Harley isn't a requirement of life and happiness weather you think it is
or not.
